Bronchial asthma in pregnant women and how to treat

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The article was professionally consulted by Dr. Nguyen Van Dinh - Head of Respiratory - Asthma - Allergy - Clinical Immunology Unit, Vinmec Times City International Hospital.

Asthma is a common medical disease that can affect and dangerous for about 4-8% of pregnant women. Is bronchial asthma in pregnant women curable and how to treat bronchial asthma in pregnant women?

1. Symptoms of bronchial asthma in pregnant women

Asthma is a disease that affects the airways of the lungs (bronchi) and is caused by a chronic (long-lasting) inflammatory process of the bronchi, leading to the bronchi, or airways, of the patient becoming sensitive to many different agents. During pregnancy, if you have an asthma attack, it will be very dangerous because it can cause a lack of oxygen for the fetus.
Pregnant women with bronchial asthma often have signs such as: wheezing, wheezing is often heard during expiration, but can also be heard during inhalation; breathless; chest tightness; cough and difficulty speaking..., these symptoms can occur during the day or at night. During pregnancy, if you have an asthma attack, it will be very dangerous because it can cause a lack of oxygen for the fetus. Therefore, pregnant women with bronchial asthma need to be regularly monitored and treated to control the disease and ensure the health of both mother and fetus. If bronchial asthma is severe during pregnancy and is not well controlled, it can lead to premature birth, high blood pressure, poor fetal growth, stillbirth or after birth, which can lead to death for both mother and baby.

Hen phế quản nặng nếu không được kiểm soát có thể gây nguy hiểm cho thai nhi
Hen phế quản nặng nếu không được kiểm soát có thể gây nguy hiểm cho thai nhi

2. Is bronchial asthma curable?

Can asthma be completely cured? It should be affirmed from the beginning: Asthma is not completely curable. Today, with the advancement of science - technology and medicine, the advent of highly effective inhaled prophylaxis drugs with few side effects, although bronchial asthma cannot be cured. But asthma is completely manageable and still leads a normal life.
Many women worry about how pregnancy changes will affect their asthma (HPQ) and asthma treatment in pregnant women will harm the baby. With appropriate asthma treatment, most women have a normal pregnancy and healthy baby. Overall, the risk to the mother and baby of poorly controlled asthma outweighs the risk of using medication to control asthma. Treatment of asthma during pregnancy is most successful when women regularly use the drug and closely monitor treatment. Women who discover they are pregnant need to continue their asthma treatment. Sudden discontinuation of asthma treatment can affect the child's development due to insufficient oxygen supply.

Due to limited evidence from large, well-designed, prospective studies in pregnant and lactating women, health professionals often lack confidence when deciding on an appropriate asthma treatment. unify. Optimal asthma control should always be a top priority.
Australian and international guidelines recommend that women continue their pre-pregnancy treatment, especially if it controls their asthma satisfactorily, and they need must monitor asthma monthly. If the patient is planning to become pregnant and is taking other inhaled corticosteroids, a switch to budesonide should be considered.
Most asthma medications are safe to use in breastfeeding women. Women should be encouraged to continue therapy during lactation.
Researchers are currently looking at markers of asthma control during pregnancy. Currently, spirometry is recommended for monitoring throughout pregnancy.

2. Treatment of bronchial asthma in pregnant women

Các bác sĩ sẽ lựa chọn những loại thuốc phù hợp với phụ nữ mang thai
Các bác sĩ sẽ lựa chọn những loại thuốc phù hợp với phụ nữ mang thai

The purpose of the treatment of bronchial asthma in pregnant women is to prevent episodes of hypoxia for the mother, while helping to provide adequate oxygen to the fetus. Pregnant women need to pay attention to strictly follow the treatment methods to prevent unexpected asthma attacks.
Optimal treatment includes: Controlling asthma attacks, improving respiratory function; avoiding asthma exacerbations; Counseling and drug treatment for each case to maintain normal lung function.
Drug treatment should follow the principle of using the lowest effective amount of medication to control asthma. If you do good preventive treatment and don't quit smoking midway, pregnancy and childbirth will still be completely normal and healthy. Most current asthma treatments are safe during pregnancy.
Doctors will choose the right drugs for pregnant women. Asthma drugs for pregnant women are usually in the form of sprays and sprays, so they will limit the effect on the fetus. Pregnant or lactating women should absolutely not self-medicate.
In addition to closely following the doctor's treatment instructions, pregnant women need to pay attention to avoid exposure to asthma triggers such as: cigarette smoke, pipe tobacco; animal hair, dogs, cats...; kitchen smoke, especially coal stove smoke; strong scents such as: pollen, perfume, insect spray; avoid eating strange foods that have the potential to cause allergies; Always keep the indoor air fresh and dry. Pregnant women are not allowed to smoke or allow others to smoke in the house. Secondhand smoke is a trigger for acute asthma attacks.
Nutrition is also especially important during this period. Pregnant women should eat warm foods, and minimize items left in the refrigerator for a long time. At the same time, you must also keep your body warm, if you catch a cold or flu, it will be even more dangerous. When going out, you should wear a mask to avoid unexpected triggers that cause asthma attacks.
For women who know they have bronchial asthma or have a history of the disease, before trying to become pregnant, they need to go to the hospital for advice, treatment and prevention by a specialist to ensure their health. healthy for mother and baby. In addition, get a flu vaccine before you become pregnant to prevent an increased risk of bronchial asthma because of respiratory infections caused by influenza viruses.
During pregnancy, pregnant women need to have adequate prenatal care, have a schedule of work, rest and proper nutrition. It is always important to ensure that asthma is well treated and controlled under the advice and treatment guidance of a respiratory specialist, and is well managed and monitored by medical professionals. obstetrics. The coordination between these two specialties is crucial for the safety of pregnant women and their babies during pregnancy, labor and the postpartum period.

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