Body changes after hysterectomy

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The article was professionally consulted by Doctor Hoang Thi Anh Tuyet - Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology - Vinmec Central Park International General Hospital.
Hysterectomy is a surgical process that involves removing a woman's uterus to treat gynecological conditions such as uterine cancer, uterine fibroids, endometriosis, and negative bleeding. Uterine incontinence or prolapse...After a hysterectomy, a woman's body may experience several changes.

1. Function of the uterus

The uterus or womb is a female sex organ. The uterus is located between the bladder and rectum in the shape of a pear-shaped inverted sloping upper part called the fundus, and the small long lower part called the cervix.
The uterus has the role of preparing the environment to receive a fertilized egg and carry and nourish the fetus.

2. Body changes after hysterectomy

Hysterectomy is a surgical process that includes removing a woman's uterus, hysterectomy has two methods including: Open or laparoscopic surgery. If you have laparoscopic surgery, the recovery time will be faster.
After a hysterectomy, the body may appear certain changes such as:
No more menstrual periods every month: Even without removing the ovaries, the hormone is still produced in full, but after the hysterectomy, there is no more. The uterine lining sheds every month, so there will be no menstrual period.

Không còn hiện tượng kinh nguyệt mỗi tháng sau khi cắt tử cung
Không còn hiện tượng kinh nguyệt mỗi tháng sau khi cắt tử cung

Hysterectomy is a surgical process that includes removing a woman's uterus, hysterectomy has two methods including: Open or laparoscopic surgery. If you have laparoscopic surgery, the recovery time will be faster.
After a hysterectomy, the body may appear certain changes such as:
No more menstrual periods every month: Even without removing the ovaries, the hormone is still produced in full, but after the hysterectomy, there is no more. The uterine lining sheds every month, so there will be no menstrual period. No longer able to conceive and give birth : The uterus is where the baby will stay throughout the pregnancy and also here, the baby will go through the first stages of development from being a tiny embryo until the baby is born. into a baby so that it can be born and live outside of its mother's body. When a hysterectomy leaves no room for the baby to grow, it means that a woman is no longer able to become pregnant and give birth. If only hysterectomy, not removing ovaries, the body will not have symptoms of sudden endocrine decline. The case of complete hysterectomy includes: Removal of the uterus, cervix, ovaries and fallopian tubes, with this case due to the removal of the ovaries, causing hormonal imbalance and the appearance of menopause due to the removal of the ovaries. The body cannot produce female sex hormones. Patients may see signs such as hot flashes, fatigue, emotional disturbances, sleep disturbances, increased risk of cardiovascular disease, obesity, osteoporosis... Married life: Hysterectomy does not affect the husband and wife relationship, does not reduce sexual desire. About 6-8 weeks after the hysterectomy, you can have sex if there is no more pain or discomfort. Sudden weight gain: After a hysterectomy, for many reasons, women experience sudden weight gain.

3. How to exercise after hysterectomy

To avoid sudden weight gain after hysterectomy, women should actively control their diet and exercise to control weight, help sleep better, and limit the risk of systemic diseases such as Cardiovascular disease, diabetes ..., exercise also helps the body to be flexible, increase calcium absorption into the bones to help strengthen bones to avoid fractures.
Exercise at least 20 minutes a day and several days a week. Practice sports that are recommended to practice after a hysterectomy such as: Walking, jogging, dancing, yoga... If the goal is to lose weight, you should practice sports that require a lot of muscle activity to help consume excess energy. After exercise, you lose a lot of water and mineral salts, you need to drink a lot of water to replenish the lost water and electrolytes. In addition to exercise, you should have a diet rich in fruits and vegetables, and limit canned and greasy foods.

Phẫu thuật nội soi bằng Robot
Phẫu thuật nội soi bằng Robot

The effect of hysterectomy no longer depends on the cause of the hysterectomy and whether or not the uterus is completely removed, if the ovaries are not removed, it will not affect the secretion of female sex hormones. Women will see very little change in body and mind.
Vinmec International General Hospital is a prestigious address in the treatment of gynecological diseases in general. Vinmec is known as one of the first hospitals in Vietnam to apply robotic surgery in gynecological treatment. The robot equipped at Vinmec International General Hospital is a Da Vinci Robot made in the US. This is an advanced robot, with a sophisticated structure, with 4 arms that are almost perfectly simulated human movements. The advantages of robot laparoscopic surgery compared to other methods include:
Robot can penetrate narrow, deep, hard-to-reach places. No field of vision restriction like traditional methods, for optimal image quality. Safe, reduces the risk of complications from infection. Reducing pain after surgery for patients. Less blood loss, faster recovery time, very small surgical scars, so it is aesthetic.

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