Bedwetting in children is also a disease that must be treated early

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Video content is professionally consulted by Assoc. Huynh Thoai Loan, Department of Pediatrics - Neonatology, Vinmec Central Park International General Hospital

Children under 5 years of age have bedwetting very often, that is, the child cannot control urination during sleep, the baby's body has not fully developed and the nervous system has not yet been controlled. bladder function when storing urine. When they have entered puberty, if there is no way to treat bedwetting for children, it will lead to many consequences, so it is necessary to have early intervention measures.
To get a cure for bedwetting in children or effective tips for treating bedwetting in children, it is first necessary to know the cause of this condition. Primary bedwetting is the most common form of bedwetting in young children. However, some children entering puberty still have it. Some causes of primary bedwetting include:
Children are slow to develop the necessary skills to cause bedwetting; Due to the baby's deep sleep: When sleeping too deeply, the baby's brain will miss the signal when the bladder is full; Children are busy playing when bathing, forgetting to go to the toilet, so children often urinate at night; When your baby's body doesn't produce enough anti-diuretic hormone (ADH), more urine is produced; Due to birth defects of the bladder; Due to genetic factors. For children under 5 years old, bedwetting is considered a health problem because the child's body has not yet completed the function of the urinary tract. When at this stage, when learning how to cure bedwetting in children or how to cure bedwetting for children, parents should not scold children when their children wet the bed, need to patiently help children through this stage of development.
If the situation of bed-wetting continues for a long time, do not be subjective, it is necessary to take the child to a medical facility immediately to receive examination, advice and timely treatment of bed-wetting for the child from the doctor. When children grow up a little more, when there is a need to go to the toilet, they will cry out for their parents to help. But up to the age of 5 and usually over 7 years old, children still peeing naturally at night is not normal, it is necessary to have tips to treat bedwetting or take the child to the hospital to be examined and found by a doctor. causes and more effective treatment.
To apply effective treatment for bedwetting in children, parents should take their children to the pediatric ward of the hospital, and at the same time do not put pressure on the child when the child is bedwetting.
Encourage and encourage children when they do not wet the bed, should not scold children, avoid putting pressure on children; Children should urinate before sleeping; For children who urinate a lot, it is advisable to put the urinal near the bed, convenient for children to go to the toilet or can wake the child to urinate before bed-wetting time; In some cases of young children (3-5 years old) bedwetting may occur during the day; When the treatments for bedwetting in children are not effective, the doctor may prescribe medication; Using anticholinergic bladder spasms; Using antidepressants, usually Imipramine; Use desmopressin nasal spray. Currently, there are many new methods when applying bedwetting for children, parents can learn to apply to help children treat the disease more effectively.

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