Are pituitary tumors dangerous?

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The article was consulted with Master, Doctor Do Xuan Chien - Head of Department of Medical Examination & Internal Medicine - Vinmec Ha Long International Hospital.
A pituitary tumor is a prolactin-secreting or prolactin-secreting pituitary tumor. This is a condition in which a tumor located in the pituitary gland produces too much prolactin. This is the most common endocrine neoplasm that can develop in the pituitary gland. Although the disease is not life-threatening, it causes many health effects such as impaired vision, infertility, and other serious complications.

1. Dangerous complications caused by pituitary tumors

Pituitary tumors will increase pressure caused by pituitary tumors including symptoms such as headache, feeling heavy, decreased vision, decreased peripheral vision, changes in hormones produced by the pituitary gland output, increase pituitary activity,...
Accordingly, pituitary tumor will cause complications, quite dangerous symptoms and seriously affect the health of the patient. Namely:
1.1. Lack of hormones Large pituitary tumors will reduce the function of hormone production, causing a lack of hormones for the organs in the body to function properly. Symptoms of hormone deficiency due to pituitary tumors are:
Frequent nausea and vomiting. Attenuate. Feel cold. Irregular or no menstrual cycle. Sexual dysfunction. Increased urine output. Unexplained weight loss or weight gain. 1.2. The tumor causes increased secretion of adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH) Adrenal cortex hormone will be produced more, this is a hormone that will stimulate the adrenal gland to produce the hormone cortisol, which is the cause of Cushing's syndrome in patients. This syndrome will have recognizable signs such as:
Fat accumulation in the abdomen and upper back. The face is round like the full moon. Arms and legs become thin. Hypertension. Increased blood sugar. Pimples. Weak bones. Easy bruising. Stretch. Anxiety, irritability or depression.

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1.3. Pituitary tumors that cause growth hormone secretion Tumors of this type produce too much growth hormone GH and cause symptoms including:
Coarsened facial features. Arms and hands are enlarged. Sweat a lot. Hypertension. Cardiovascular problems. Athritis. Teeth not aligned. Lots of hair growth. Children and adolescents may grow too fast or too tall. 1.4. Prolactin-secreting tumor This condition leads to a decrease in sex hormone levels in both men and women. Too high a prolactin index in the blood can easily affect the reproductive health of men and women according to different signs such as:
In women, prolactin-secreting tumors can cause:
Irregular menstrual cycles. Missing or missing menstrual cycles. Milky white discharge from the breast. In men, prolactin-secreting tumors can cause male hypogonadism. Signs and symptoms may include:
Erectile dysfunction. Reduced sperm count. Reduced sex drive. Big breasts. 1.5. Pituitary tumor causes thyroid hormone secretion Overproduction of thyroid-stimulating hormone in the body will cause the patient's body to secrete more thyroxine. This is the cause of hyperthyroidism affecting the body's metabolism causing the following conditions:
Weight loss. Fast heartbeat or irregular heartbeat. Anxiety or irritability. Frequent bowel movements. Sweating.

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In addition, pituitary tumors also cause quite dangerous complications for patients. The disease is mostly benign and rarely invades other organs of the body, but because it is located at the base of the brain and has the function of producing and regulating hormones, when there is a problem, the pituitary gland will affect to whole body health. Some dangerous complications can be said to be caused by pituitary tumors such as:
To limit the risk of complications as well as increase the effectiveness of treatment of pituitary tumors, we need to go to the doctor immediately if we see the following symptoms: Signs and symptoms are similar to those of a pituitary tumor or a family member with a pituitary tumor. Because the location and medical condition may be different in each person, it is necessary to discuss with a doctor to determine the method of diagnosis, treatment and treatment.
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In April & May 2021, when there is a need for examination and treatment of pituitary tumors at Vinmec Central Park International General Hospital, customers will enjoy double incentives:
- Free specialist examination.
- Reduce 50% of costs for customers with post-examination treatment indications. The program is limited to the corresponding technique of each hospital and to customers who perform this treatment technique for the first time at Vinmec.

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