Advantages of laparoscopic ectopic pregnancy

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The article was professionally consulted by Doctor Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology - Vinmec Hai Phong International General Hospital.

An ectopic pregnancy is a condition in which a fertilized egg implants outside the uterus instead of inside the uterus. Laparoscopic ectopic pregnancy is a modern surgical method. This is an effective measure to help pregnant women overcome this crisis.

1. Some details about ectopic pregnancy

An ectopic pregnancy is a pregnancy that does not implant inside the uterus, but mostly in the fallopian tubes. An ectopic pregnancy can happen to any woman of childbearing age. However, it is most common in women with fallopian tube defects, congenital tubal stenosis or previous surgery related to the fallopian tubes, genital infections, women with a history of ectopic pregnancy. Uterus... Locations that can have an ectopic pregnancy such as: Fallopian tube (accounting for 95-98%), cervical canal, ovary, abdominal cavity.

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Các trường hợp thai ngoài tử cung đều có thể mổ nội soi

2. When is laparoscopic ectopic pregnancy used?

Laparoscopic ectopic pregnancy is an effective treatment technique in cases of pregnant women with an unruptured ectopic pregnancy or a ruptured ectopic pregnancy with a small amount of blood in the abdomen, which has not been affected to the whole body. maternal condition. Laparoscopic ectopic pregnancy is indicated in the following cases:
All cases of ectopic pregnancy with stable hemodynamics. Diagnosis of suspected ectopic pregnancy. Laparoscopic ectopic pregnancy is contraindicated for:
In case the patient is contraindicated for laparoscopic surgery The ectopic pregnancy has ruptured and caused vascular collapse. Laparoscopic surgery does not preserve the fallopian tube in case of cystic wall hematoma or the fetus has a fetal heart.

3. Advantages and disadvantages of laparoscopic ectopic pregnancy

Laparoscopic ectopic pregnancy helps to resolve the pathological pregnancy mass with a faster recovery time than the classic laparotomy. Laparoscopic surgery helps to avoid some risks in surgery, adhesion or infection, infection for the patient. Because it is a laparoscopic surgery, it will minimize the use of prophylactic antibiotics, helping the patient recover quickly, especially for pregnant women with weak health. This method also helps the patient to soon be able to get pregnant again. Laparoscopic surgery does not leave large scars like open surgery, reducing the loss of confidence for women. Cons:
This is a rather difficult surgical technique, requiring the doctor to have experience and be thoroughly trained in this technique.

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Mổ nội soi thai ngoài tử cung cần được thực hiện tại các bệnh viện lớn và có đội ngũ bác sĩ tay nghề cao

4. How long does it take to return to work after laparoscopic ectopic pregnancy?

Laparoscopic ectopic pregnancy surgery is carried out in a very serious and careful way.
Step 1: Preparation:
The pregnant woman will have a full body examination and a specialist examination to assess her overall condition and determine whether or not laparoscopic surgery should be indicated. Patients are counseled about the reasons for surgery, the risks of fertility after surgery and the future of fertility in the future. Guidelines for applicable contraceptive methods and risk analysis for recurrent ectopic pregnancy. Sign a commitment to surgery, conduct enema, clean the abdomen and vulva, catheterize, disinfect the abdominal wall at the operating area. The mother was under endotracheal anesthesia. Step 2: Carry out surgery:
CO2 pump Trocar puncture Evaluation of the abdomen and pelvis: Drain the blood, wash the abdomen, evaluate the entire abdomen and pelvis, especially the position and status of the pregnancy mass and fallopian tube on the opposite side. Surgery: depending on the lesion, it is possible to cut the fallopian tube completely 130 or just cut the fallopian tube from the waist to the speaker or vice versa. Wash the abdomen and make a final check Save the fallopian tube Open the fallopian tube Remove the pregnancy from the fallopian tube At the end of the surgery The woman can go home the same day of the surgery. With this technique, the recovery time of pregnant women is quite fast, so most women can walk right away. Usually, pregnant women need to rest for 7-14 days before they can participate in normal activities. It takes about a month for your body to fully recover.
To register for examination and treatment at Vinmec International General Hospital, you can contact Vinmec Health System nationwide, or register online HERE.

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