8-year-old 11-month-old girl growing pubic hair must have early puberty?

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Hello doctor. My baby girl 8 years and 11 months old has signs of pubic hair growth, is it early puberty? What are the measures? Thank you doctor for your advice.
Huynh Thi Mi Sa (1994)
I have an 8 year old baby girl. A week ago, I noticed that the baby's breasts were enlarged to the touch and felt hard and painful, the armpits and the baby's genitals appeared hairy. Can I ask if this means that your child has precocious puberty?
Anonymous question
Hello doctor. Does my baby born in 2012 appear pubic hair early puberty? Looking forward to consulting your doctor. Thank you .
Le Thi Linh (1982)
Hello. For women, puberty before the age of 9 is early puberty characterized by the onset of menstruation, breast growth, pubic or armpit hair growth, and changes in the shape of the external genitalia. Children's height and weight increase rapidly during this period.
In the case that your girl is more than 8 years old, there are signs of pubic hair growth, it is not possible to confirm whether the child has precocious puberty or not. You should take your child to a reputable medical facility or Vinmec Health System hospitals nationwide for an accurate examination and diagnosis of the condition, and at the same time take early intervention measures to speed things up. children's growth is normal.
Thank you for submitting your question to Vinmec Health System. Best regards!
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