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Romiplostim is used as a man-made protein medicine in the treatment of low blood platelet counts or thrombocytopenia in adults with symptomatic purpura. However, the drug is not used for the treatment of thrombocytopenia due to other diseases or exacerbation of blood cancer or myelodysplastic syndrome... Therefore, before using the drug, it is necessary to carefully study the risks. risks and benefits from Romiplostim.1. Mechanism of action of the drug Romiplostim
What is Romiplostim? Romiplostim is a protein drug used to treat low blood platelet counts in cases of chronic idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura. Romiplostim works by causing cells in the bone marrow to produce more platelets. However, with other medical conditions that cause thrombocytopenia, Romiplostim should not be used. This medicine may worsen blood cancers or syndromes associated with myelodysplasia.
2. Indications and contraindications to the use of Romiplostim
What is the use of Romiplostim? Romiplostim is indicated in the treatment of thrombocytopenia in patients with symptoms of chronic immune thrombocytopeniaHowever, Romiplostim is also contraindicated in cases of hypersensitivity reactions to any component of the drug. or proteins of E.coli origin.
3.Dosage and usage of Romiplostim
Romiplostim is given as a subcutaneous injection at the lowest dose to achieve and maintain a platelet count of 50 x 109/l to reduce the risk of bleeding.
The starting dose of Romiplostim may be recommended at 1 mcg/kg body weight. Dose adjustments may be made using body weight at the time of initiation of Romiplostim therapy to determine the starting dose. Then use this dose to adjust weekly to the patient in increments of 1 mcg/kg body weight until the body platelet count reaches or exceeds 50 x 109/l. The maximum weekly dose should not exceed 10 mcg/kg body weight. With the clinical study of Romiplostim, it was found that most of the patients treated with Romiplostim had a good response and maintained a platelet dose of more than 50 x 109/l with an average dose of about 2mcg/kg body weight. body volume.
Note: The above recommended therapeutic dose for Romiplostim is for reference only. Therefore, before using Romiplostim, patients need to be prescribed by a doctor.
4. Unwanted side effects when using Romiplostim drug
Romiplostim drug can cause some side effects for patients during treatment, but each case of drug reaction may have different degrees.
Common side effects of Romiplostim include headache, joint pain, muscle pain in the arms, legs and shoulders, burning or tingling in the legs and arms, stomach pain, belching. Heat, trouble sleeping,... Side effects are less common and have more serious effects: bone marrow changes, blood clots in the body, decreased platelets... A few notes when using Romiplostim
Some medical problems can affect how well the medicine is used. Therefore, if the patient has the following symptoms, they can tell the doctor before using Romiplostim such as bleeding problems, blood cancer, blood clots, marrow related problems, disease. liver... Treatment with Romiplostim may increase the risk of reticulin fiber formation in the bone marrow. But it will improve if Romiplostim is stopped. Above are all the uses of Romiplostim. Using the correct dosage and recommendations will help the treatment process achieve higher effectiveness.
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