Zika virus transmission route

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Zika virus is not only transmitted by mosquito bites but also other ways such as blood transfusion, sexual intercourse or from mother to child with manifestations such as low-grade fever, maculopapular rash, muscle and joint pain, conjunctivitis. eye,...

1. What is Zika virus?

Zika virus is a virus that was first discovered in a monkey species in Uganda in 1947. The name of the virus is named after the Zika forest - where it was first discovered. The mechanism of disease in humans, Zika virus is mainly spread by mosquito bites. Mosquitoes transmit disease by sucking the virus from an infected person and transferring it to a normal person.
Zika virus incubation period is about 2-12 days after being bitten by a mosquito. About 75-80% of patients after being infected with Zika virus have no clinical symptoms. Other patients presented with mild illness such as: low fever (37.8 - 38.5°C), fatigue, rash, pain in small joints in hands and feet, muscle pain, headache, pulse inflammation conjunctival hemorrhage, fovea pain, and asthenia. A small number of patients may experience abdominal pain, nausea, diarrhea, itching, or mucosal ulceration.
Most people infected with Zika virus make a full recovery and symptoms resolve on their own within 1 week. However, Zika virus disease is especially dangerous if passed from mother to child. Babies born with Zika virus disease can have birth defects such as eye defects, hearing loss, growth impairment, microcephaly, and brain defects.

2. How is Zika virus transmitted?

Virus Zika truyền sang người thông qua vết đốt từ muỗi nhiễm bệnh thuộc họ Aedes
Mosquitoes that cause Zika: Zika virus is transmitted to humans through the bite of an infected mosquito of the Aedes family, mainly Aedes aegypti (zebra mosquito). It is also the vector that transmits Dengue hemorrhagic fever, Chikungunya and yellow fever. When a mosquito feeds on the blood of a person or animal infected with Zika virus, the virus will multiply in the mosquito's body and incubate after 10 days. It can then transmit the virus to humans or other animals through the sting. An individual mosquito infected with Zika virus can also transmit the virus to the next generation of mosquitoes; Mother-to-child transmission: Pregnant women can transmit the Zika virus to their unborn baby. There are still no reports of Zika virus transmission from mother to child through breast milk, so the World Health Organization still recommends that women should exclusively breastfeed their babies for the first 6 months; Sexual transmission: Zika virus has been detected in semen. Some studies have also shown that the Zika virus can be passed from one person to another during unprotected sex. An infected person can transmit the virus before, during, and after having symptoms; Blood transfusion: Zika virus was detected in the blood of infected patients. Theoretically, the Zika virus can be spread through blood transfusions, but so far there have been no reports of such cases.
Điều gì xảy ra khi truyền nhầm nhóm máu?
Về mặt lý thuyết virus Zika có thể lây truyền qua đường truyền máu
To best protect against the risk of Zika virus infection as well as other mosquito-borne diseases such as dengue fever, yellow fever, ... each person should pay attention to avoid mosquito bites by using insect repellent, even Light-colored clothes cover the body, sleep under a mosquito net. In addition, it is necessary to empty, clean or cover all water containers so that mosquitoes do not have a place to breed.

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Article referenced source: Ministry of Health
This article is written for readers from Sài Gòn, Hà Nội, Hồ Chí Minh, Phú Quốc, Nha Trang, Hạ Long, Hải Phòng, Đà Nẵng.

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