Implanon contraceptive implant

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The article is made by Doctor Hoang Thi Anh Tuyet - Obstetrician and Gynecologist - Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology - Vinmec Central Park International General Hospital.

The implanon contraceptive implant is a small plastic tube containing the contraceptive pill, which is implanted under the skin of a woman's non-dominant hand. The ingredients in the contraceptive implant include the hormone levonorgestrel or etonogestrel.
Once implanted, the implants gradually release hormones into the body creating a contraceptive effect that can last up to 3 years. This is considered a very reliable birth control method. This method helps prevent pregnancy with more than 99% effectiveness and lasts from 3 years after a single implant.

1. Why is the contraceptive implant implanted under the skin under the arm?

The contraceptive implant is about the size of a matchstick, which is implanted in the skin under the woman's arm, usually the non-dominant arm to avoid movement and movement after the implant.
Mechanism of contraception of the IUD: The two main mechanisms of action of the IUD are thickening the cervical mucus, preventing sperm from entering the uterine cavity, and preventing ovulation (in more than one stool). half cycles).
Who should not choose to use the contraceptive implant? The implant is a modern method of contraception, very effective because it does not need to comply with many conditions of use. Nearly everyone who wants to avoid pregnancy can use this method of contraception. However, the implant contains hormones, so women with endocrine-related diseases are not recommended to use it. In addition, women with chronic diseases such as high blood pressure, cardiovascular disease are also not used.

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Chị em phụ nữ mắc bệnh lý tim mạch không nên cấy que tránh thai
If you have breast cancer, a history of abnormal vaginal bleeding or liver dysfunction, you should see your doctor for advice. From there, choose the most suitable contraceptive method.
Side effects of the contraceptive implant: The most common side effect of the IUD is to cause some slight disturbance in the menstrual cycle such as less frequent periods and a gradual decrease in menstrual bleeding. The percentage of women experiencing amenorrhea after implantation is about 30%. Symptoms such as decreased sex drive, abnormal weight gain, headache, and breast tenderness are very rare. People who need to implant a contraceptive should visit a qualified medical facility for a thorough examination and consultation by a doctor before implantation.

2. Advantages and disadvantages of contraception with an implant

2.1 Advantages of Implanon Nearly anyone who wants to prevent pregnancy can use this implant. Including nursing mothers, women over 40 years old, people with uterine fibroids can safely use Implanon. Women who are breastfeeding to perform the implant safely and without affecting the breastfeeding process should wait for their baby to be more than 6 weeks old to start using this implant.
Cases with cardiovascular risk factors such as smoking, obesity, diabetes or even high blood pressure can use Implanon.
Implanon is only placed once, with only 1 implant, does not require the user to comply with the conditions of use, does not have to take medicine every day or to prepare before each sex, Implanon implant does not do affect sex.

Biện pháp tránh thai bằng que cấy an toàn với phụ nữ đang cho con bú
Biện pháp tránh thai bằng que cấy an toàn với phụ nữ đang cho con bú

2.2 Cons The most common phenomenon after Implanon implantation is menorrhagia during the first few months.
Like an IUD, the Implanon needs to be placed in a medical facility and performed by medical personnel trained in how to insert and remove the implant.

3. Amenorrhea problem when using Implanon

After 1 year of implantation, Implanon often causes amenorrhea. With different people's opinions, this can be an advantage or a disadvantage of this implant. For some people, a woman's lack of monthly bleeding is "unusual" and not natural. In fact, this period of amenorrhea is not a disease, menstrual blood does not accumulate in the body. The fact that women have little or no menstrual bleeding during the month is good for health, preventing iron-deficiency anemia, which is common in women, or they will no longer be restricted in recreational activities. . Amenorrhea following implantation should not be considered a disadvantage when considering Implanon.

4. What is the procedure for implantation and removal of the contraceptive rod?

Before implantation : The doctor will evaluate the stability of the contraceptive implant (including advantages and disadvantages) and discuss the health issues of the implanted person. Procedure: Your doctor will perform the procedure in these steps: First, your doctor will inject a small amount of numbing medicine under the skin on the inside of your non-dominant arm.

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Cấy que tránh thai được thực hiện tại vùng da dưới cánh tay của phụ nữ

After the anesthetic takes effect, the doctor will insert the contraceptive stick under the skin of the arm with a sterile implant support device. After the implantation is done, the implant site will be bandaged for 24 hours. The implantation of the IUD usually happens within a few minutes. After implantation, the person who is implanted will be consulted about abnormal symptoms after implantation and cases to see a doctor. Can the contraceptive implant be removed to get pregnant? The implant is an easy-to-remove device. If the implanter is planning to have children, see your doctor to have the contraceptive safely removed. After removing the implant, most users return to their normal menstrual cycle and are able to become pregnant within 1 month.
Procedure to remove the implant: First, the doctor will inject one injection Anesthesia is inserted just below the end of the contraceptive implant. The doctor will make a small incision in the skin and the end of the implant will be pushed through this small incision. The surgical area is then covered with a bandage. Usually, removing the contraceptive implant takes a few minutes. Customers who need medical examination and treatment can directly go to Vinmec International General Hospital nationwide, or contact the hotline HERE.
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