How to prevent and treat Adenovirus infection?

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Adenoviruses are a common group of viruses that infect the lining of the eyes, airways and lungs, intestines, urinary tract, and nervous system. They are common causes of fever, cough, sore throat, diarrhea, and pink eye. The infection usually causes only mild symptoms and goes away on its own after a few days. But it can also be more serious in people with weakened immune systems, especially children. There is currently no specific treatment for adenovirus infection. However, patients in doubt should see a doctor for prompt medical assistance.

1. The truth about the Adenovirus

Adenovirus is a common virus that causes many diseases in humans. Usually, they cause respiratory infections or conjunctivitis (inflammation of the lining of the eye). However, there are currently some theories that this virus can cause hepatitis in children.
The Adeno virus is very hardy and can survive for long periods of time outside of a human or host animal. Both animals and humans are infected with adenovirus. Adenovirus can infect different organs in the body, but most infections produce no signs or symptoms (no symptoms).
Adenovirus Facts
Adenovirus is an extremely common virus that can infect humans at any time of the year. Adenovirus causes a number of different diseases, although respiratory disease and conjunctivitis are the most common. Most infections are asymptomatic. When symptoms and signs do occur, they are usually mild. Serious illness is rare, but people with weakened immune systems may be at higher risk of getting sick. There is no specific treatment for adenovirus infections. Adenovirus infection can be spread by direct contact with an infected person, breathing infected droplets, touching contaminated surfaces, or coming into contact with the feces of an infected person. Adenoviruses can persist for long periods at room temperature and on surfaces outside of human hosts. A bivalent adenovirus vaccine is available to U.S. military personnel, but only to those at high risk for respiratory infections from these viruses. No vaccine is available to the people.

2. The spread of the Adenovirus

Common adenoviruses are often found in places where children are crowded, such as swimming pools, schools and summer camps. They can be spread when someone infected coughs or sneezes. Droplets containing the virus get into the air and onto surfaces. Children can get the virus when they touch an infected person's hand or a toy or other object held by an infected person, and then touch their mouth, nose, or eyes. The disease spreads quickly with children because they are more likely to put their hands on their faces and in their mouths.
You can get an infection when changing a baby's diaper. Or you can get sick from eating food prepared by someone who didn't wash your hands properly after going to the bathroom. Or it is possible that the virus is present in the water, such as in poorly maintained lakes or swimming pools. However, this type of virus transmission is also not common.

3. Symptoms manifest when infected with Adenovirus virus

Each type of adenovirus can affect the body differently. From there, the symptoms of the disease will also be different:
Bronchitis: accompanied by symptoms of cough, runny nose, fever, chills Colds and other respiratory infections: stuffy and runny nose, cough, sore throat, and swollen lymph nodes Joints: Dry cough, difficulty breathing, high-pitched sound when breathing in. Ear infections: accompanied by symptoms of ear pain, discomfort, fever Pink eyes (conjunctivitis): Red eyes, discharge eye discharge, tearing, sensation of something in the eye Pneumonia: Fever, cough, difficulty breathing Stomach and intestinal infections: accompanied by diarrhea, vomiting, headache, fever, stomach cramps Swelling of the brain and spinal cord (meningitis and encephalitis): Headache, fever, stiff neck, nausea and vomiting (this is rare) Urinary tract infection: Burning and painful urination, frequent urination blood in urine If you think your child may have one of these viruses, see and proactively seek advice from your pediatrician. In case a child under 3 months of age has symptoms of an adenovirus infection, it is necessary to immediately contact a specialist for timely medical assistance. Or if your child has the following signs call the doctor immediately:
Difficulty breathing Swelling around the child's eyes Fever does not go away after a few days Signs of dehydration, such as less tears or less urination.. .

4. Diagnosis of Adenovirus infection

When an adenovirus infection is suspected, the doctor may perform a general examination along with tests to help diagnose whether the virus is indeed present. Some of the tests that may be done include:
Blood test Urine test Cotton swab test: With a test on mucus from the nose. Stool test Chest X-ray According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Adenovirus infection can be diagnosed by clinical tests that detect the virus in a specimen or detect specific substances that the virus makes. out, is called an antigen. These diagnostic methods may include antigen testing; polymerase chain reaction (PCR) test, which detects the genetic material of the virus; virus isolation, in which the samples were cultured in a laboratory dish.

5. Adenovirus infection treatment

There is no specific treatment for Adenovirus infection and most infections cause mild symptoms and do not require treatment. However, if treatment is needed, doctors will prescribe medication to relieve symptoms. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the antiviral drug cidofovir is sometimes used to treat severe adenovirus infections in people with weakened immune systems. However, the use of this drug is not acceptable in all cases.
Antibiotics will not help an adenovirus infection because these drugs only kill bacteria. Patients usually get better on their own within a few days. Some infections, such as pink eye or pneumonia, can prolong treatment by a week or more.
As for people with weakened immune systems, they may need to be treated in the hospital to help them recover.
There are a few things you can do to help your body feel better:
Drink plenty of fluids. When the patient is dehydrated due to fever, vomiting and diarrhea, it is necessary to perform rehydration and electrolyte replacement. Water or 100% juice can be the best options to stay hydrated. Clear congestion. Use physiological saline to clear the nose and throat as well as reduce the amount of fluid in the nose and throat. Use a mist humidifier. The moisture will ease congestion and help you breathe easier. Antipyretic . You can talk to your doctor before using acetaminophen (Tylenol) or ibuprofen (Motrin) for pain and fever.

6. Prevention of Adenovirus infection

Vaccines containing Adenovirus 40 and Adenovirus 7, taken orally in capsules, can prevent most diseases caused by these two. The vaccine was unavailable for a number of years but was reintroduced in 2011. However, the vaccine was only given to military personnel and was given to patients 17 to 50 years old. age, should not be used by women who are pregnant or breastfeeding.
To minimize transmission, healthcare professionals should change gloves and wash hands after examining an infected patient, disinfect equipment thoroughly, and avoid using the same ophthalmic device on multiple patients. Adenovirus is resistant to many common disinfectants. Bleach-based products containing 2000 to 5000 ppm chlorine are recommended, as are antibacterial products recommended by the US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) to be effective against norovirus. The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has also made specific recommendations for sterilizing ophthalmic instruments to prevent outbreaks of conjunctivitis.
Hopefully, the above sharing will help you better understand how to prevent and treat Adenovirus infection as well as how to ensure the best family health.

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This article is written for readers from Sài Gòn, Hà Nội, Hồ Chí Minh, Phú Quốc, Nha Trang, Hạ Long, Hải Phòng, Đà Nẵng.

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