Does calcium deficiency cause insomnia? Why does calcium deficiency cause insomnia?

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Insomnia is a condition caused by many different causes, seriously affecting both physical and mental health. In particular, according to a study, people with calcium deficiency often have some problems related to sleep. So why does calcium deficiency cause insomnia?

1. Does calcium deficiency cause insomnia? 1.1 Effects of calcium deficiency on sleep Calcium is an indispensable mineral and plays a very important role in the human body. This is a basic component of bones, teeth and substances necessary for the functioning of muscles, nerves, heart, as well as cell metabolism and blood clotting. When the body is deficient in calcium, nerve impulses can be inhibited and always in an unstable state, thereby causing excessive excitement or stress. In addition, the conduction activity of the nervous system encounters many obstacles, the contractile activity of the heart will be disturbed and the function of muscle reflexes will change. If calcium deficiency is prolonged, the patient will have insomnia, difficulty falling asleep, not sleeping well and sleep will be interrupted.
Does calcium deficiency cause insomnia? Calcium deficiency can cause other related diseases such as peptic ulcers that also seriously affect sleep. Lack of calcium stimulates gastric acid to increase, when gastroesophageal reflux disease will create damage to the gastric mucosa, even ulcers. This process is often accompanied by symptoms such as heartburn, nausea, and nighttime stress that make the patient sleepless.
1.2 Common forms of insomnia with calcium deficiency Calcium deficiency causes insomnia in the following forms:
Acute insomnia: appears in a few days or a few weeks, at this time the calcium deficiency in the body does not a lot of. Chronic insomnia: when calcium deficiency is not improved soon, it will cause long-term insomnia. Usually, when it comes to this stage, the patient only sleeps 3-4 hours a day and it takes about 30-60 minutes to fall asleep. However, the quality of sleep is not guaranteed because of being startled or waking up in the middle of the night.

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Giải đáp thiếu canxi có bị mất ngủ không?

2. Warning signs the body is lacking calcium Calcium deficiency can cause insomnia and have a significant impact on health. Some signs when the body lacks calcium include:
Frequent cramps, muscle pain, inflexible bone and joint activities. Brittle and brittle nails Prolonged fatigue and frequent illnesses such as colds and fevers Teeth are yellow, painful, and may be loose

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Thường xuyên bị chuột rút là dấu hiệu cảnh báo cơ thể đang thiếu canxi

3. Prevention of insomnia due to calcium deficiency To avoid insomnia due to calcium deficiency, you need to ensure that your body has an adequate amount of calcium needed and can be supplemented by:
Building a nutritious diet Drink reasonably, rich in calcium from foods such as seafood shrimp, crab, fish, or dark green vegetables such as cabbage, kale, celery,... These are vegetables that contain a lot of vitamin K. and is a forming factor of osteocalcin that helps to accumulate calcium in the bones. Supplementing daily milk Supplementing popular calcium-containing functional foods today. However, when choosing functional foods, it is necessary to pay attention to the composition of compounds before use. There are usually two forms used in calcium preparations: calcium carbonate (containing 40% elemental calcium) and calcium citrate (containing 21% elemental calcium). In particular, you need to take it according to the doctor's prescription or the manufacturer's recommendations, this will avoid the risk of causing bad side effects for the body. Absorb vitamin D naturally by early morning sunlight, to help promote the body's ability to absorb calcium well. It is recommended to spend at least 10-20 minutes a day sunbathing between 8-9 hours daily. Increase exercise to keep physically healthy and at the same time to help stabilize the mind. The exercises that are recommended by health experts are walking, jogging daily for 30 minutes a day outdoors or with a treadmill. In short, insomnia is caused by many different causes and one of them is due to a lack of calcium in the body. Insomnia and calcium deficiency both cause serious health problems. Therefore, you need to have a reasonable diet with adequate micronutrients to prevent calcium deficiency as well as insomnia.
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