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The article is professionally consulted by Doctor of Dentistry - Maxillofacial - Department of Medical Examination & Internal Medicine - Vinmec Hai Phong International General Hospital.
Crossbite is one of the variations of occlusion, which greatly affects the smile aesthetics and chewing function of the teeth. Due to the possible harms and complications, it is necessary to recognize the characteristics and ways to overcome the crossbite.
1. What is a cross bite?
Cross bite is defined as a misalignment of the teeth when the teeth on the jaw are divided into many different groups of indentations, breaking the complete symmetry of the upper and lower teeth and causing the balance. harmony of all teeth in the arch.
Although the two teeth are not in balance, the cross bite is less visible. When looking at the face of the opposite person, you can hardly detect whether the person has a cross bite or not, but when smiling they will not be natural and less aesthetic. Crossbite deviation can be clearly seen when observing the incisors.
2. Crossbite characteristics
Crossbite is divided into many groups of teeth that are displaced: This is a serious variation of the condition of crossbite with features such as: On the same dental arch, but can be divided into many other groups of misaligned teeth. each other, the group protruding, the group indenting is very disproportionate, it is impossible to distinguish whether it is a protrusion or an underbite; The part is outside, the part is inside, it is impossible to distinguish whether the upper teeth are outside the lower jaw or the lower teeth are outside the upper jaw; Incisor crossbite causes asymmetry of the two jaws: This asymmetry occurs with both teeth as a whole and even when considering each group of teeth, each tooth and between teeth; The upper and lower jaws lose symmetry in the position of the teeth as well as between the teeth; When the upper and lower jaw alignment incisors are misaligned, the line connecting from the top of the nose through the 2 incisors and 2 jaws down to the center of the chin does not form a straight line, but is bent at the incisor slot. Through this line, the teeth on the same jaw are symmetrical with each other and between the two jaws there is a balance from each tooth position to the gaps of the teeth; Imbalance between teeth: All teeth as well as between teeth do not have a harmonious balance with each other, in which, the cross bite is most evident in the incisors. The contact between groups of teeth in both the upper and lower jaws is not up to the best standards, affecting the force generation process when chewing is not standard and incomplete.
3. How to handle cross bite?
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Normally, defects in oral cavity in general and crossbite in particular can be corrected by one of the ways of jaw alignment and orthodontic treatment. However, when it is necessary to adjust the jaw and when to correct the teeth must be directly based on the specific deviation of the teeth to adjust accordingly:
If the cause of the crossbite is due to bone If the upper jaw is slightly underdeveloped, the method of wearing an external appliance can be applied to support the development of the maxillary bone. However, wearing this appliance is only effective for children before puberty from 12 to 13 years old. If the crossbite is caused by bone in severity, the jawbone is too strong or because of cleft palate, then crossbite orthopedic surgery is the most effective method. Orthopedic crossbite is usually applied to patients over 18 years old, because at this time the jawbone has fully developed and the patient's body condition will also be eligible to ensure the surgery is safe. . In case of crossbite caused by teeth: The doctor will perform orthodontic treatment with cross bite braces, this option helps to correct the crossbite, misaligned, uneven or inwardly deviated teeth to the appropriate position. . Thereby, helping the teeth to be more even and effectively limiting the cross-bite. If the crossbite is caused by both teeth and jawbone, the doctor will combine both braces and crossbite orthopedic surgery to bring the best results. Orthodontic braces treatment of crossbites will bring better results when treated early. Most cases of crossbite cause significant deviations in all teeth. Therefore, in any case, the crossbite must be corrected to avoid affecting the teeth and jawbone. The most radical measure is to have braces on the cross bite. Only when the crossbite is at the same time the jaw is deviated, it is necessary to combine both braces with orthodontic treatment for treatment.
The meaning of crossbite treatment not only helps restore chewing function for patients but also brings aesthetic effects to the whole face. However, it is necessary to directly base on the specific deviation to choose the appropriate method to achieve the best results.
4. Prestigious crossbite orthopedic address
![Bệnh viện Đa khoa Quốc tế Vinmec Times City đang triển khai Gói chỉnh nha mắc cài thế hệ mới khi điều trị cho bệnh nhân bị khớp cắn chéo](/static/uploads/small_20190730_062726_052893_beautyadmin_2016111_max_1800x1800_jpg_5ba401d5b8.jpg)
At Vinmec Times City International Hospital, we are implementing a new generation of orthodontic braces when treating patients with crossbite.
This is an orthodontic method that is performed by the force of the brackets to bring the teeth into the desired position, the reason is due to the solid metal braces that the time of braces with this type of brackets is shortened. shorter than other types of braces.
Metal orthodontics has many outstanding advantages compared to other methods such as:
Saving treatment costs compared to other types of braces; Bringing high orthodontic efficiency, the time is shortened to the maximum and it is easy to replace when falling off. Thanks to this technique, many patients with crossbite have been effectively treated with highly esthetic teeth. The misaligned teeth will be quickly adjusted with high aesthetics and perfect balance, returning the bite to the most accurate proportions, eating and chewing completely comfortably.
Especially at Vinmec Times City gathers a team of good doctors, with expertise and long experience in the field of Teeth - Jaw - Facial to perform this technique, that is:
Master. Doctor Pham Thi Huyen Trang Master. Doctor Lai Do Quyen Doctor Vu Hoang Master, Doctor Le Ngoc Tuan Doctor Hoang Mai Anh Doctor Vu Duc Nha These are all doctors with strengths in general dental examination and treatment, orthodontics and will directly undertake the application of this method.
Customers who need advice on any more information about the new generation orthodontic braces package at Vinmec Times City can contact the hotline 089964876.