Complications of balanitis of the penis

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The article is professionally consulted by Master, Doctor Le Phuc Lien - Urologist - Department of General Surgery - Vinmec Central Park International General Hospital
Balanitis is a disease that progresses slowly and does not have the power to destroy the intimate area as well as the physiological function quickly. However, prolonged balanitis will leave serious complications to men's health and quality of life.

1. Inflammatory disease of the foreskin

The foreskin is the thin skin that covers the tip of the penis and the opening of the urethra, when the penis is erect, the foreskin will slide out to reveal this part. However, there are cases where the foreskin is congenitally narrow, so that the head of the penis, whether in a normal state or when erect, is stuck in the foreskin. This is what causes urine and dirt to stagnate in the male genitals, becoming a favorable environment for bacteria to grow and cause disease. Balanitis is a disease that causes redness and swelling at the tip of the penis, making it painful to the touch and difficult to pass stools. In particular, a blocked foreskin will retain urine, bacteria and other microorganisms that are the cause of this disease. Inflammation of the glans penis also causes an unpleasant odorous discharge in the male genitals.
Balanitis is quite common and occurs in men of all ages. However, uncircumcised people, or patients with genital herpes, gonorrhea, uncontrolled diabetes, etc. are subject to a higher risk of penile inflammation.
Poor hygiene is the most common cause of balanitis, but other factors can also include bacterial or fungal infections, urinary tract infections, skin allergies, trauma to the intimate area. due to strong impact or unprotected sex.

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Quan hệ tình dục không an toàn là nguyên nhân dẫn tới viêm bao quy đầu

2. Complications of bursitis

Usually, balanitis is not too serious. But if left untreated, this condition can change the shape of the penis, causing blistering and sores. Besides, some other dangerous complications include:
2.1. Chronic balanitis If the inflammation of the foreskin of the penis is not cured for a long time, the disease is at risk of turning into a chronic stage and bringing about the following consequences:
Narrowing of the urethral opening; Difficulty or pain when turning the foreskin ; Poor perfusion to the glans; The skin covering the foreskin is obstructed by inflammation of the glans penis. In addition to pain and discomfort, chronic balanitis also reduces sperm count and semen quality. This condition can lead to the most serious complication of male infertility.
2.2. Inflammation of adjacent organs Inflammation of the foreskin is easy to lead to inflammation of the male genital organs in the vicinity, such as:
Prostatitis ; Orchitis ; Epididymitis ; Inflammation of the vas deferens. If all of the above diseases are not treated actively and promptly, the risk of complications that greatly affect the reproductive health as well as the physiological function of men is very high.
2.3. In addition, chronic balanitis that is not thoroughly treated is also very easy to lead to urinary tract infection, also known as retrograde urethritis. The main organs affected are:
Cystitis ; Urethritis; Nephritis and pyelonephritis; Risk of kidney failure. 2.4. Affects physiological function Balanitis also affects the nervous system of men, the lesions caused by inflammation of the glans penis increase, causing the appearance of:
Premature ejaculation; Erectile dysfunction ; There is a risk of impotence.

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The decline in male physiological function not only affects family happiness because of reduced sex life, but also makes the patient's psychology boring due to feelings of impotence, stress and long-term depression. day will bring many negative consequences to health.
2.5. Spread to sexual partners Men with cystitis can spread the infection to their sexual partners through frequent and unsafe sex. Specifically, the wife is also at risk of being transmitted from the sexual partner, leading to gynecological diseases such as: inflammation of the vagina, cervix, ovaries, fallopian tubes, ... the most serious is infertility complications. female .
Besides these complications, balanitis is sometimes a sign of other diseases, such as a sexually transmitted infection or a fungus. Therefore, men need to see a gynecologist at reputable and hygienic medical facilities if they suspect that they have balanitis for early diagnosis and treatment, especially for young boys. .
In summary, the inflammation of the foreskin will adversely affect health and physiological function in men, in which the most dangerous complication is infertility. Therefore, daily hygiene of the foreskin to prevent infection is very necessary and important. In cases where the foreskin is too long or narrow, men should consider circumcision surgery as prescribed by their doctor. Should temporarily stop having sex to thoroughly treat genital diseases for both husband and wife, to avoid the disease spreading and aggravating.

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