Abdominal skin removal surgery

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Abdominoplasty is a surgical procedure performed to remove loose excess fatty skin in the lower abdomen. Abdominal skin reduction surgery aims to re-beautify the abdomen, helping women regain their perfect shape and slim waist like when they were girls.

1. What is tummy tuck surgery?

Abdominal excess skin surgery will cut cosmetically to remove wrinkled skin, bad skin, sagging belly skin, excess fat, then stretch the surrounding skin to form a new, more beautiful abdominal skin.
This surgical method is indicated and recommended for subjects such as:
Women after giving birth for at least 6 months with stretch marks, ugly skin, loose skin, sagging belly fat, Sudden weight loss causes The abdominal skin is stretched and stretched, the excess skin does not recover and shrinks in time compared to the body. People who are obese, overweight, have an oversized abdomen, have bad, wrinkled, heavy belly skin who want to regain a neat shape and people after abdominal liposuction have excess abdominal skin However, abdominal skin surgery may not be suitable or contraindicated for people with uncontrolled and well-treated underlying medical conditions such as heart disease, lung, diabetes, obesity... Because if you perform excess skin cutting, you will have to face many dangerous complications.

Phẫu thuật cắt da thừa bụng sẽ cắt thẩm mỹ loại bỏ phần da nhăn nheo, chảy xệ, mỡ thừa
Phẫu thuật cắt da thừa bụng sẽ cắt thẩm mỹ loại bỏ phần da nhăn nheo, chảy xệ, mỡ thừa

2. Perform abdominal skin cutting

Before performing abdominoplasty, the patient should have a pre-operative examination, perform an anesthetic examination at least 48 hours before proceeding as directed by the doctor. In addition, patients need to prepare not to smoke at least 1 month before and after surgery because medication is a factor that makes scars heal longer. Female patients of reproductive age need to ensure contraception, especially those with related medical history such as obesity, bad veins, blood clotting disorders, and have not taken aspirin-containing drugs in the 10 days before surgical removal of excess abdominal skin.

To perform surgery to remove excess abdominal skin, patients need to be under general anesthesia to ensure sleep during surgery, and have a hospital stay of 2-5 days.
Carry out surgery:
Depending on the condition and expertise of the patient and the surgeon to perform the steps to remove excess abdominal skin safely. However, they all ensure the following general principles:
The location of the incision will depend on the amount of excess skin to be removed, the more excess skin is removed, the longer the scar will heal. The excess fat is removed and the abdominal wall muscle is stretched back The surgical site will be bandaged according to the wrong pattern at the end of the surgery Depending on the amount of excess skin and fatty tissue to be removed, the surgical implementation time will last from 1-3 hours After surgery to remove excess abdominal skin, the patient should note the following to ensure positive treatment after surgery:
The patient should wear tight clothing (abdominal shirt) day and night 2-4 weeks Re-examination and suture removal after 7-10 days Patient should rest completely for 2-4 weeks Avoid exposure to sun and UV rays for at least 3 months May gradually become physically active gentle exercise after 6 weeks of surgery Regarding the results of abdominal skin removal surgery, patients can only see clearly after 1 year of surgery. After surgery, patients should wait patiently, take care of their health, wait for the scar to fade gradually, perform at a routine examination as prescribed by the doctor, usually every 3 months within 1 year after surgery.
Post-surgery scar healing is a process that is directly related to the patient's care regimen. Abdominal skin removal surgery helps patients significantly improve abdominal aesthetics, create confidence, comfort and contribute to improving the patient's quality of life.

Trước khi tiến hành phẫu thuật cắt da thừa bụng, bệnh nhân cần được khám tiền phẫu theo chỉ định của bác sĩ
Trước khi tiến hành phẫu thuật cắt da thừa bụng, bệnh nhân cần được khám tiền phẫu theo chỉ định của bác sĩ

3. Advantages and disadvantages of abdominal excess skin surgery

Advantages :
Helps the patient to significantly improve the aesthetic of the abdomen Freeing the patient's psychology, helping to feel comfortable, confident, motivated to control weight better Cons:
The patient will have to face with risks if the surgery is not successful as expected such as:
There is a situation of fluid accumulation, hematoma, Wounds that take a long time to heal, difficult to heal Surgical scars that are slightly exposed, disproportionate or sticky, which may spread, or Not flat, stretched The navel does not look natural. Patients are also at risk of complications such as thromboembolism, infection, necrosis of skin tissue at the surgical site... Thus, the recovery process after surgery Abdominal skin removal surgery takes time, patients need to be consulted and answered all questions before agreeing to perform surgery. Most importantly, it is necessary to wisely choose a reputable and quality medical facility to ensure the highest safety.
Vinmec-View Aesthetic Center is based on the Aesthetic Department of Vinmec Times City International Hospital. This is a prestigious and reliable address in skin care, bringing beauty to customers with the following advantages:
Vinmec's team of doctors and aesthetic technicians are professionally trained and have long experience. years in the field of cosmetic internal medicine. A team of experienced and specialized doctors ensures the quality of surgery. Taking "safety" as a development foundation, in 15 years of establishment and operation, View has not had any plastic surgery complications, is the place to send beauty care of many famous artists. Korea

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