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The doctor asked me, what is the cause of the cough in the morning? Looking forward to consulting your doctor.
Anonymous customer questions
Hello! With the question "Why does the baby cough in the morning? "Because the information you give is incomplete such as: How old is the baby? Does your baby only cough in the morning or at another time of the day? What is the nature of the cough? Have phlegm, wheezing, fever, not eating...? Therefore, it is difficult for a doctor to give detailed advice.
However, there are many causes of cough in children such as respiratory disease, gastroesophageal reflux disease, cardiovascular disease, etc. In addition, some drugs or psychological problems are also causes. cause of persistent cough in children.
When your child has a long-lasting cough, you should take him to the doctor soon to get an accurate diagnosis of the health problem he is having, thereby giving a timely and effective treatment plan. You can go to the hospitals of Vinmec Health System for more specific advice from doctors.
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