What's wrong with the baby twitching slightly when sleeping? Any influence?

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Hello doctor! My baby is 29 months old. When sleeping, the baby often has slight twitching of the arms and legs, sometimes both the shoulders and the body. I have supplemented calcium for my baby 3 boxes but it does not help. I took him to the pediatric hospital for blood tests, nutrition tests, electroencephalograms, X-rays. Normal results. So let me ask, what's wrong with the baby twitching his arms and legs when he sleeps? Any influence? I hope the doctor answers. Thank you sincerely.
Ly Thi Tinh (1990)
Hello! The child twitches his limbs while sleeping, but when he is held, held, or changed, do the symptoms go away? If it goes away, this is not a disease caused by jerks but just a benign muscle tremor and will go away on its own. In the case of a child having a convulsion, but when being held and changed, the symptoms do not go away, it can be concluded that the child has a convulsion.
You should always closely monitor the child's signs to prevent risks and complications caused by convulsions such as epilepsy, meningitis... Promptly take your child to a pediatric specialist if convulsions occur. in the mouth, eyes... with fever, keep the hands and feet not all to get an accurate diagnosis and timely and effective intervention and treatment methods.
If you still have questions about the issue "What's wrong with the baby twitching slightly when sleeping? Any influence? "You can take your baby to the hospitals of Vinmec Health System for more specific advice from the doctor.
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