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When giving birth at Vinmec International General Hospital, what items should expectant mothers prepare and bring with them?
Hoang Anh Tuyet (1995)
Hello! When starting the hospital admission, labor and birth, the customer does not need to bring anything, because during the stay, the hospital will prepare and provide enough clothes for both mother and baby.
However, on the day of discharge from the hospital, it is necessary to prepare clothes for the mother and a towel for the baby because Vinmec has donated 01 set of clothes for the baby with Vinmec logo.
For more information about the Maternity Package at Vinmec, please contact Hotline: 0899 648 761 for advice and answers or you can go to the clinics and hospitals of Vinmec Health System for advice and answers. further advice from the doctor.
Thank you for trusting Vinmec. We look forward to meeting with you for more specific advice.
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