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Hello doctor. In the near future, I plan to have a general health checkup for myself and my family. However, I am still not very clear about the general health examination. So please ask the doctor, what is a general health examination? Expect the doctor to answer. Thank you.
Hoang Dong Hung (1988)
With the question “What is a general health examination? , the doctor would like to answer as follows:
During the general health examination, you will go through the following steps:
Step 1: The examiner needs to evaluate biological indicators such as weight, height, blood pressure, BMI,...
Step 2: Next, the examiner will be clinically examined by a general practitioner. This is an important initial step to detect disease through clinical examination. Because, the doctor can see the physical symptoms that the test does not show. For example: Unusual heart sound, poor breathing sound, right lower quadrant pain, ... when the doctor sees these symptoms during examination, he or she can suggest what tests to do next to accurately diagnose the disease
Step 3: Blood tests:
Complete blood count Liver and kidney function, blood sugar, blood fat Detect cancer early,... Step 4: Diagnostic imaging: Electrocardiogram, ultrasound, X-ray, CT scan, MRI scan,...
Step 5: Stool and urine test
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Answered by Associate Professor, Doctor, Specialist II Chu Hoang Van - Department of Examination - Vinmec Times City International General Hospital.