What are the signs of urolithiasis?

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Hello doctor, I have the following question, hope you can help me: What are the signs of urinary stone disease? As well as how to distinguish urolithiasis for appropriate treatment? Hope the doctor can help me, thank you!
Anonymous question
For the question: What are the signs of urolithiasis? The doctor would like to answer as follows:
Firstly, depending on the location of the stone, there are different symptoms:
No symptoms: the patient went for a health check and discovered the disease by accident. Pain in the hips and back and radiates to the groin and scrotum. Urinary tract disorders: hematuria, urinary frequency, dull pain in the lower abdomen, urinary retention, difficulty urinating, frequent urination at night. Fever due to urinary tract infection. When detecting one of the above symptoms, patients should go to reputable medical facilities or hospitals of Vinmec Health System nationwide to meet urologists and from there for advice and treatment. right way.
Thank you for trusting and sending questions to Vinmec. Best regards!
Answered by Master, Doctor Vo Thien Ngon - Urologist - General Surgery Department - Vinmec International General Hospital Da Nang.

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