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Hello doctor, about 1 year ago I suffered a traumatic brain injury after a traffic accident. After a few weeks of initial treatment, I regained my health. However, there are still a few symptoms that are accurately described: Dizziness, ringing in the ears, sometimes short-term memory loss. The memory is much better now, but the tinnitus symptoms are still there, the dizziness is still present. If the doctors have a method for monitoring and appropriate treatment, please let me know so I can seek treatment. Thanks!
Hoang Nam (Hanoi)
Hello, you have had a 1-year history of traumatic brain injury, symptoms of dizziness with tinnitus may be sequelae from old injuries or new diseases attached. You should see a neurologist for further advice. Wish you health!
CKI Doctor Huynh Kim Long - Emergency Resuscitation Department - Vinmec Danang International Hospital