Receding gums, slightly red swollen gums, bleeding gums is what to do?

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Hello doctor! Hello doctor, I am suffering from receding gums, my gums are a bit swollen and red, brushing my teeth lightly also causes bleeding gums, very bad breath. At first, I thought it was due to a lot of tartar causing the gums to recede, so I went to get tartar but the situation did not change, the gums still dropped, there was a V-shaped slot. In the upper jaw, it recedes a little, while the lower jaw recedes a lot, especially in the front teeth, some of which are close enough to see the roots. So the doctor can advise on the phenomenon of receding gums, slightly red swollen gums, bleeding gums, what to do? Is treatment difficult? Ask your doctor for advice. I would like to thank you.
Anonymous question
Manifestations of receding gums, slightly red swollen gums, bleeding gums as you described above, your periodontal condition is quite heavy. The positions where the bone has been lost and the gums recede are difficult to intervene. However, if your condition is more severe, you need to go to a Odonto-Stomatology doctor at one of the hospitals of Vinmec Health System nationwide for intensive treatment in chronic inflamed gums.
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Answered by Dentist - Jaw - Facial - Department of Examination & Internal Medicine - Vinmec Hai Phong International General Hospital

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