Q: How long does epidural anesthesia last?

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Hello doctor. I have a question. How long does epidural anesthesia last? I hope the doctor will reply soon.
Afternoon Khuc (1997)
Epidural anesthesia is a technique to help patients not have to suffer pain during surgery and reduce pain after surgery. Epidural anesthesia also helps relieve pain during labor or in some complicated pain situations.
How long does epidural anesthesia work or how long it takes to work depends on many factors such as the method of anesthesia: injecting medicine once or using a tube to connect the epidural space to the outside to pump as needed as well as the type of anesthetic used and the concentration of the drug.
When placing the tube, due to the risk of infection, the doctor will usually appoint it for no more than 3 days or 72 hours.
Thus, depending on the patient's pain relief needs, the anesthesiologist will discuss and decide the appropriate duration of epidural analgesia.
Thank you for trusting and sending questions to Vinmec Health System.
Specialist I Tran Thi Ngat - Anesthesiologist - General Surgery Department - Vinmec Danang International General Hospital.

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