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Hello doctor! I am having pleural tuberculosis, leading to effusion. I am taking TB medicine but still have a prolonged fever and high fever late at night. So the doctor asked me how to treat with a high fever that lasts late at night while taking pleural tuberculosis medicine?
Nguyen Hoang Vu , Ho Chi Minh City
Hello! Having a high fever that lasts late at night while taking TB medicine can be caused by 2 reasons:
Side effects of TB medicine: fatigue, poor appetite, rash, allergies, fever, hepatitis, kidney failure, pain joint. Because of the new treatment, the TB bacteria are still there, so it can still cause a fever. In some cases, fever may persist for 2 months after starting treatment. Because there are not many options for medicine to treat, TB bacteria are easily resistant to drugs, so if you don't have a doctor's opinion, you should not stop taking the drug. Of course, having a fever is also extremely uncomfortable. You should discuss carefully with the doctor who is treating you for pleural tuberculosis to supplement fever-reducing drugs.
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Answered by Doctor Tran Thi Diem Trang - Respiratory Internal Medicine Doctor - Department of Examination & Internal Medicine - Vinmec Central Park International General Hospital