Fever, rash, is it dengue fever?

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Hello doctor! I have a fever every time, sometimes close to 40 degrees, now is the 3rd day. I only had a headache on the first day, on the 2nd day on, there was no headache nor muscle pain at all. But today I have an itch, when I scratch it, I get a red rash. I don't have a sore throat or runny nose either. The doctor asked me to ask if the fever is intermittent, the rash is red, is it dengue fever? I hope the doctor can help me.
Le Thi Thai Han, 1993
Hello. You should visit your doctor and have a blood test done at a reputable medical facility or one of the hospitals of the Vinmec Health System nationwide to diagnose intermittent fever, red rashes, and dengue fever. blood no. If this is indeed a symptom of dengue fever, then this is a dangerous disease, and should not be self-diagnosed or treated at home without the control of a doctor.
Thank you for trusting and sending questions to Vinmec. Best regards!
Answered by Doctor, Doctor Tran Thi Phuong Thuy - Hepatobiliary Specialist - General Internal Medicine - Vinmec Times City International Hospital

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