Does endotracheal anesthesia for brain tumor surgery have dangerous complications?

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Hello doctor,
My father was prescribed endotracheal anesthesia for brain tumor surgery, the doctor asked me if there are dangerous complications with endotracheal anesthesia for brain tumor surgery? Thanks for the advice doctor.
Anonymous customer
Answered by BSCK II Nguyen Thi Hoai Nam - Department of Surgical Anesthesia, Vinmec Central Park International General Hospital.
With the question “Does endotracheal anesthesia for brain tumor surgery have dangerous complications? ", the doctor answered as follows:
Brain tumor surgery is a type of microsurgery, performed under a microscope and requires the surgeon to be very careful and skillful to avoid further damage to healthy brain tissues. , and at the same time did not miss the tumor. Therefore, the requirement of anesthesia is to be deep enough, ensure the patient is still and the vital signs are within normal limits.
Therefore, endotracheal anesthesia during brain tumor surgery is an appropriate and safe anesthetic method for patients. Complications during intubation may include: hemodynamic changes, damage to the mouth, vocal cords, laryngotracheal spasm due to too shallow or too deep anesthesia, insertion into the stomach, aspiration if The patient has a full stomach, pneumonia if sterility is not guaranteed, atelectasis if the tube is placed too deeply, sore throat, hoarseness if the vocal cords are paralyzed. These complications can be avoided if intubation techniques are ensured and fully functional monitors are equipped, especially with the experienced team of Anesthesiologists in the Vinmec system.
One of the most worrisome complications is that the tube cannot be placed in difficult intubation cases due to the patient's anatomical structure. Therefore, the patient will be examined by an anesthesiologist before surgery, assessing the patient's anesthetic risks, including the risk of difficult airways. After that, they will consult with surgeons, resuscitators and related specialists to make specific plans to minimize possible complications.
After brain tumor surgery, depending on the case, the patient may need to be on a ventilator for a short time until the condition is stable before extubating the trachea. Effective endotracheal anesthesia rarely leaves sequelae if it is safe to use during anesthesia resuscitation. However, you need to consult the surgeon because depending on the nature and size of the tumor to know the progress after surgery to remove the brain tumor.
If you still have questions about endotracheal anesthesia for brain tumor surgery, you can go to a medical facility under Vinmec Health System for early examination and treatment. Thank you for trusting and sending questions to Vinmec. Wishing you lots of health.
Best regards!

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