Why does intestinal dysbiosis often last?

Why does intestinal dysbiosis often last?

What is intestinal dysbiosis? Baby has long-term intestinal dysbacteriosis what to do? What are the symptoms of intestinal dysbacteriosis in adults... are the issues that will be answered in the following article.
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    Note when using antidote to treat itching

    What to drink to detox the liver is a question many people have when they have an itch and think that itching is a manifestation of a toxic liver. At that time, patients often look for liver detox drinks or liver detoxifiers to treat itching. However, what should be kept in mind when using an antidote to treat itching to ensure safety and effectiveness?
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    Why do you vomit a lot after drinking?

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    Is it okay to have less bowel movements with gastric distension after eating molasses leaves?

    Two days ago, I ate a lot of honey leaves, 2 hours ago, I rarely went to the toilet. Normally, I go very regularly (1-2 times a day). Now, I have a feeling of fullness in my stomach (in addition, there are no symptoms), I go to sleep with a feeling of being pinched, and it is difficult to breathe. So the doctor asked me to ask if I have less bowel movements with stomach distension after eating the leaves of honeysuckle, is it okay?
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    Is it dangerous to have a painful fleshy mass in the anal area?

    I am a 22 year old female. I want to ask that recently, my anal area has appeared a mass of residual flesh like a bruised hematoma. It can cause itching, pain and discomfort in the anal area. Doctor let me ask if there is a painful lump in the anal area, is it dangerous?
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    Abdominal pain passing black brown oil scum is a sign of what disease?

    My husband had a stomach ache to have a bowel movement, but when he had a bowel movement, oil scum floated on the dark brown water. So the doctor asked me if my stomach ache comes out with black brown oil scum, what is the sign of the disease? Treatment like? Thank you.
  • What disease is abdominal pain with vomiting yellow water with blood?

    What disease is abdominal pain with vomiting yellow water with blood?

    Hello doctor, I have a stomach ache and vomited yellow water and some blood. Doctor, tell me what is the disease with abdominal pain accompanied by vomiting yellow water with blood? Thank you doctor.
  • Ợ Gas, heartburn with epigastric pain is a sign of what disease?

    Ợ Gas, heartburn with epigastric pain is a sign of what disease?

    I often have belching, heartburn, epigastric pain, chest tightness, shortness of breath, nausea. Pain most of the day is uncomfortable, especially in the evening. So the doctor asked me belching, heartburn with epigastric pain, what are the signs of disease? Thank you doctor.
  • Is it dangerous to spill water into the mouth causing nausea?

    Is it dangerous to spill water into the mouth causing nausea?

    I have a female friend who often has water in her mouth and nausea. Condition 1 year usually 4-5 times. They said they ate too much and then they got sick. The doctor asked me if it is dangerous to pour water into my mouth to cause nausea? I thank you.