Professor, MD Philippe Macaire currently Senior Consultant in Anesthesiology & Pain management – Vinmec Healthcare System. With more than 30 years experience in Anesthesiology, his targeted is always to bring the best experience to his patients in term of “Pain free, Opioid Free”. He strive to be reaching the highest level of safety for the patients, keep on updating the new techniques in Regional Anesthesia as he recognized that pain free is the key to the success of “Fast Track Recovery Program”, he applying the Regional Anesthesia Techniques systematically to his patients and educating the teams of Vinmec Healthcare System to maintain the standard of service. He never stop learning, making him the top specialist not only in Anesthesiology but also Pain Management.
- Gây mê hồi sức trong phẫu thuật nhi
- Xử trí đường thở khó và đặt ống nội khí quản khó
- Gây tê mặt phẳng cơ dựng sống dưới hướng dẫn siêu âm (ESP) cho phẫu thuật mở tim và ngực, kỹ thuật mới để điều trị đau không opioid
- Giám sát thông khí cho bệnh nhân béo phì trong quá trình thực hiện phẫu thuật giảm cân
- Chăm sóc giảm nhẹ cho người bệnh
In Hanoi
Intensive course of regional Anaesthesia with Prof Tu N’Guyen Medical University of Hanoi.
Intensive course of Excellent Airway Management
Master Course of ESP blocks in cardiac & thoracic surgeries to provide a safe and efficient analgesia opioid free in Bangkok – Thailand
Since 2016 Visiting professor at the Anaesthesia Department of Ramathibodi Hospital Mahidol University in Dubai
Intensive course of ventilation modes. Dubai Health Authority
Intensive course of Airway management and difficult intubation, Dubai Health Authority
Post-Graduated diploma of Regional anaesthesia and analgesia
Intensive course of regional anaesthesia
Symposium on fluid management and replacement.
Symposium on US and perioperative applications.
Symposium on Pain medicine with Pr Philip Peng University of Toronto
Symposium on advanced regional anaesthesia analgesia techniques.
Symposium on Interventional pain in Europe
Teacher for the Regional anaesthesiology diploma. Universities of Marseille, Montpellier & Nice
In France
Anesthesiologist Senior Consultant at Clinical Angouleme,
Center of excellence in regional anesthesia analgesia and pain management
Private practice in the anesthesiologists team of the private Orthopedic Hospital du Parc1 and Chronic pain management.
Center of excellence in regional anesthesia and analgesia and also Pain management with the University Hospital of Lyon
Private practice in the anesthesiologists team of the medical and surgical Polyclinic Jean-Villar2: Manager of the medical department of information
Consultation for high risk pregnancy Pr JM GONNET
University Hospital, Cardiac Surgery Prs Charles Dubost, Alain Carpentier and Alain Deloche et University Hospital in Nantes.
National Service in the emergency medical mobile units of the Firemen of Paris – Flying Doctor for Insurance companies.
Senior Consultant in anesthesiology for Care UK Afrox Healthcare Ltd.
In Dubai
Consultant in Anesthesiology and Interventional Pain at Rashid Government Hospital
Medical director of the Medical and Surgical ambulatory center of Dubai London Hospital.
Medical Director and Anesthesiologist of the Medical and Surgical Ambulatory centre of Dubai Healthcare City Tatweer Group.
In Hanoi
Senior consultant in Anesthesiology & Pain management – Vinmec Healthcare System
ALR Francophone: Foundation Anesthesie et Analgesie Régionale Francophone
Member of the regional anesthesia and pain committee
Scientific Committee
Founder Chairman
AFARCOT: Association des Anesthésistes Réanimateurs en Chirurgie Orthopédique et Traumatologique
Co-organizer of the annual meeting
SFAR: French society of anesthesiology and intensive care
Member of the expert group: Guidelines for post-operative analgesia
Co-organizer of the annual meeting SFAR 2000, in Paris, FRANCE
Member of the expert group: Guidelines for the practice of regional anesthesia: peripheral nerve blocks
ASA: American Society of Anesthesiologists
ESRA: Europeen Society of Regional Anesthesia
Consultant for the ESRA learning zone
Dubai Anaesthesia Annual Meeting
Anesthesie Tronculaire et Plexique de l’adulte printed by Arnette. Director of edition and co-auteur. 7500 books sold in French
Peripheral nerve blocks: a color atlas - Editeur : Lippincott Williams et Wilkins
Lateral popliteal approach pp 166-8, Foot procedures p. 68
Traité d’anesthésie générale Printed by Arnette B Dalens editor in chief : Chapter : Combined regional and general anesthesia in adult –
Techniques in regional anesthesia and pain management. 2003
- Axillary block : Single shot or continuous technique.
- Macaire P, Techniques in Regional Anesthesia and Pain Management. 2003 editor Elsevier Science Inc New york
Regional anesthesia : peripheral nerve blockade in adults Arnette Paris France April 2004 Co director of editing
Anaesthesia in Orthopedic and traumatic surgeries printed by Arnette – Paris Elisabeth Gaertner editor in chief 2010 chapter anaesthesia for foot and ankle surgeries
Peripheral nerve block in adults under ultrasound Guidance printed by Diploma of regional anaesthesia and analgesia – Dubai UAE Director and co author
- Media:
Hanckle blocks december 1997
Movie on the technique of troncular blocs MVS Vidéo.
At home without any pain 2002
Television report on continuous regional post operative analgesia at home after major shoulder surgery directed by Jean Pierre CONIL
CD Rom : Bloc lombaire postérieur
CD of learning about the new approach of psoas compartment block. From dissection to the practice.
CD Rom of learning on Continuous regional analgesia directed by Xavier Capdevila :
Shoulder analgesia
Foot analgesia
DVD and memory card directed by Xavier Capdevila
Psoas compartment block and catheter
Hankle blocks and catheter
Block of the cutaneous lateral nerve of the thighs
National French TV France 2 Santé magazine on 5 reports 2 on topics by Philippe Macaire
Elastomeric pumps at home after hallux valgus surgery
Pain control by pumps and peripheral nerve catheters
Regional anaesthesia management by telemedicine 2013
Television report on continuous regional post operative analgesia managed by telemedicine directed by Bruno de Champix