Or nervousness, shortness of breath, palpitations: What are the signs of disease?

The article is professionally consulted by Master, Doctor Vu Thi Tuyet Mai - Cardiovascular Center - Vinmec Central Park International General Hospital.
Or nervousness, shortness of breath, palpitations seem to be just common signs when the body is tired or working too hard. But if this condition occurs frequently, it can be a symptom of many other diseases, especially cardiovascular diseases, which, if not treated promptly, can lead to fainting, sudden death, and heart failure.

1. Feeling of nervousness, heart palpitations in healthy people

Normal healthy people in many cases will also feel nervous, short of breath, and heart palpitations. These symptoms occur when we are stressed, emotional, anxious, physically active, or during sex.
Palpitations, heart palpitations are normal physiological symptoms caused by the overactive heart causing the heart rate to increase rapidly and increase contraction. In addition, this symptom can appear when having simple diseases such as fever, anemia...

2. Feeling of nervousness, heart palpitations in patients with heart disease

If symptoms of palpitations, heart palpitations accompanied by shortness of breath appear frequently even at rest and are psychologically stable, it is necessary to immediately think of cardiovascular diseases. It is necessary to go to the hospital for examination as soon as possible for an accurate diagnosis and timely treatment. So what disease is palpitations? The symptoms of palpitations, heart palpitations can be diagnosed as a sign of cardiovascular disease if accompanied by symptoms such as fatigue, shortness of breath, leg edema, chest pain...
Patients with cardiovascular disease will suffering from cardiac arrhythmias, including extrasystoles, paroxysmal tachycardia, atrial fibrillation, neurological disorders... leading to palpitations, palpitations. This may be primary or a consequence of coronary artery disease, cardiomyopathy, or valvular heart disease.
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3. Thoroughly treat the causes

It is not difficult to diagnose symptoms of palpitations, shortness of breath, and palpitations. Patients only need to go to the cardiology department for doctors to perform clinical examination and support tests such as electrocardiogram, 24-hour Holter electrocardiogram, Echocardiography can help find the cause of the condition. cardiac arrhythmia.
In addition, being too worried that you have a heart disease also causes your heart rate to increase, increasing myocardial contractility, inadvertently making these symptoms more severe. The patient may have difficulty breathing, tightness in the chest area.
Symptoms of shortness of breath, palpitations can occur at any time or occur at a fixed time of the day, especially at night. A 24-hour electrocardiogram will help make an accurate diagnosis.
In order to treat symptoms effectively, it is necessary to determine what the cause of the disease is, in addition to psychological relief for the patient, helping the patient to feel comfortable and less worried about his or her illness. Patients can practice meditation, yoga to balance the body and control emotions.
Cardiovascular disease is often silent but causes severe consequences. Cardiovascular screening helps to detect and treat promptly before it is too late. Vinmec International General Hospital now has a Cardiovascular Screening Package - Cardiovascular Basic Examination, which helps customers to detect cardiovascular diseases even when there are no symptoms, thereby having early treatment to bring optimal results.
Master - Doctor Vu Thi Tuyet Mai has over 13 years of experience in the diagnosis and treatment of cardiovascular diseases. The doctor has participated in training courses at home and abroad at the University of Medicine and Pharmacy in Ho Chi Minh City. Ho Chi Minh City, NTUH National Taiwan University Hospital, The Prince Charles Hospital, Australia,..

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